2013 m. rugsėjo 19 d., ketvirtadienis

We all have plenty of thoughts running threw our minds every single day and its completely normal. Sadly some people tend to over think things by coming up  with these crazy ideas or delusional facts.How do i know that? I tend to overthink every single thing. I usually over think what people say to me and take it too deeply into my heart.
Yet overthinking doesnt just appear out of nowhere it usually comes from our past... If we were hurt or demaged we tend to over think just because in past we went threw bad stuff and we dont want it to happen again , also we over think when it comes to love. When we fall inlove we overthink everything the person we fall for says or does. Sometimes even a simple smile can make our minds run like crazy and just think..THINK TO DAMN MUCH !!
From my personal experience i can say overthinking sucks . We usually hold back from doing what we want cuz we over think. We think too much what others will think how we will look will it be good or bad and we forget the fact that in our life we need to do what we really want.. No regrets! Yes we do make mistakes but we learn from them we get better and better every single day. We have ups and downs but its normal.

* When u think of something to much just say urself STOP every time u think of it . I know it may sound stupid but it really helps.
* Also always talk things out with your friend  and just get it over with. Ask their advice. U can take few hours or days but just talk it out . YOU MUST DO THAT
* Keep urself busy the more u do the less u think :)
I hope this blog was usefull :)

2013 m. rugsėjo 17 d., antradienis

Why loving yourself is important?

Such an strong word..I bet we all allways hear stories about love , how we need to love others, how we fall inlove with others but we often forget that WE NEED TO LOVE OURSELVES FIRST!!
Loving yourself isint easy its actually probablly the hardest thing...Yet you need to try. I know we all have flaws we all have inperfections and what makes things even harder is other people judging you just because your doing some things differently , maybe you dont look like a god damn model maybe u cant sing or dance but does any of this really matter? Maybe ur a great person im pretty sure we all have something about us that makes us special ..that makes us who we are. OUR IMPERFECTIONS IS WHAT MAKES US PERFECT. So as i mentioned we may not be perfect or look the certain way we want to but we can improve ourselves. If u dont like your body u can start to work out if u dont like ur personality u can try to become a better person by doing lil things every single day and step by step ull become a better person or ..at some point u dont even need to try to change yourself because the people that truly love u will accept u the way u are and others can go to hell... Allways respect yourself because ur such a great person ! Maybe uve done some fucked up things..So what? Nobodys perfect every mistake we make gives us a lesson , improves us as people. I think that when we learn how to love ourselves everything else falls into place and life simply gets better.As they say no one is going to love you if you wont love yourself...If we dont love who we are we get insecure we feel out of place and we  even hate who we are and its terrible... I know that because 
i am that person..I hate myself i really do ..I feel bad i feel sad i..i dont trust in myself and thats so damn bad..It just fucks up my life so im trying..Im trying to love myself trying to become a better person and i just thought i should write this blog to all those people who hate who they are who cant love the person they are..Dont do that , dont do my mistakes because remeber to somebody u may be perfect and u may not even know it ...:))

2013 m. rugsėjo 16 d., pirmadienis


*You jump and ill jump, you go crazy and ill go crazy, you cry...and ill do anything to make you laugh...

Friendship..I think friends are one of the most important things in our lifes...They change us..they have a huge influence on decisions we make ..They help us , they lift us up when were down..Or ...atleast thats how it should be.. Friends should be people u can count on who will never leave ur side no matter what , yet its sooo damn hard to find real friends.. Sometimes we are getting used by people we trust the most ..Sometimes we give more then we get and put first people we shouldnt . Sometimes we give those "friends" attention they dont even deserve and why? So we would get stabbed in the back?? Is it worth it? Is it worth to trust in people? Is there anyone we can trust?...I know its hard or may seem even stupid but we need to trust in people . We all are humans and if we work together if we get along..we can make amazing things happen afterall we are one big family..Time tests friends and shows us who we can really trust and remmember we often get hurt by people we love the most cuz we have too big expectations for them and we get disapointed easily. I think we just need to let go..of all the expectations ..of all those thoughts and just let ourselvess flow ...be free...be happy and just be ourseelves. If we will be true to ourselves friends will come along the way its just the matter of time and even if u have no friends never forget U ARE STRONG BY YOURSELF AND YOU DONT NEED ANYONE ELSE TO MAKE YOU BECOME STRONG BECAUSE IT ALL DEEPENDS ON YOU!!!